
The Cost of Shortcuts

Shortcuts are a choice. if you decide to take a shortcut ask your self is this a good decision. It’s important you realize that making a bad decision affects others.You must not take a shortcut especially when it comes to safety on the job.

No excuse will be accepted when a worker decides to take a shortcut and compromise his safety. Everyone is expected to follow safe work practices and procedures. As a condition of being employed with NYP you must do everything possible to be safe.

Students who are just here for temporary work while going to school must be more aware of the dangers of the job and when a Supervisor explains your job or asks you to perform a task DO NOT be disrespectful.

Every person should hold themselves to a standard. So when you go home at night you can honestly say I did everything possible to be safe today.

Examples of shortcuts that are unacceptable: NOT wearing your PPE in common areas. ( Hallways, Stairs and parkade.) Crossing red tape into a danger area. Standing on a paint pail as a ladder.

Another shortcut that will get you in big trouble is using the bathrooms in the suites instead of the porta-potty. This shortcut is not acceptable at ALL.

To avoid a shortcut PLAN your safety first. ASK your self is this a smart move or a dumb move? Think and plan your actions before taking a shortcut.

Shortcuts can result in a negative outcome like getting suspended for days or kicked off site permanently. DO NOT DISRESPECT the safety on the job and the Supervisors who try to keep the workers safe.

New York Painting & Coating Ltd.

New York Painting and Coating Ltd. is a well-established business providing painting services in the Province’s of British Columbia and Alberta and Western U.S.A. Incorporated in 1988 by the current owner David Sraw, the company has grown to over one hundred employees and is well respected in the industry for delivering quality workmanship, safe work practices and dependable service. Its growth and success has been built around satisfying the needs of our valued clients.